Wildeberg. A place to which good things come and from which great things flow.
The Earth’s mantle thrusts up above the gentle town of Franschhoek, a wild slice of untamed mountain on which sits a farm named Wildeberg. An established wine region for some 350 years, sensible generations never thought to plant a vine here until a happy band of idealists recently craned their necks up at this hillside and, dizzy with hope, decided to give it a go.
Franschhoek is on the very edge of the south-eastern corner of the Cape’s venerable Coastal Region, indeed Wildeberg’s property border runs over the top of the mountain where the Coastal Region gives way to the baboon-strewn road to Grabouw and the wider Western Cape.

The Wildeberg wines express the most captivating Franschhoek Valley fruit. In our Wildeberg Terroirs bottlings we look beyond our home to a clutch of exceptional sites of other origin.
The farm’s compact barrel hall is busily bubbling away with wild ferments whilst a small winery will form the next evolutionary phase. We have sublime accommodation for guests, and a tasting room boasting arguably the most breathtaking scenic views in the hemisphere.
A mountain rich in metaphor with the visual heft to flatter any wine, releases of Wildeberg and Terroirs express our continued purpose – exceptional wines of place, however humble the origin. If the abiding memory of our wines remains a textural sense of place then we are portraying the Cape as hoped.
We are at the very beginning of an ancient story. Our aim is to identify, then express, sites of specific interest whose story needs to be told. We use minimal intervention in bottling these finds in order to capture their voice as shaped by time and place.